Match the question


1.Does she play piano very well?

E.Yes she plays piano beautifully.

2.Do you like karimun jawa island?

A.No i like kepulauan seribu more.

3.Do they see the rainbow after the rain?

K.No they sleep during the rain

4.Does Ariana sing melodiously?

B.Yes Ariana sings vey melodiously

5.Do we have pizza for breakfast?

D.Yes we eat pizza again this morning

6.Do our neighbours care about us?

H.Not really they just respect us as a family 

7.Do you have many cats at home?

C.No i only have one cat from my aunt

8.Does dion like spongebob?

J.yes he likes all kind of cartoons 

9.Do you join any e-sport team?

F.No i only watch e-sport channels on the internet

10.Do you have a smartphone?

i.Yes i have one iphone and one android phone

11.Do you watch k-drama series?

G.Yes i love the actors from south korea

Name:Raka yanuar A (28)

Class 7c


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